Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sleepless in Michigan

I am not certain how many days have passed by, but I am positive that I miss sleeping through the night.  It started about a week and a half ago when my daughter broke out in an allergy rash.  I can understand her waking up crying.  She did not feel good. 

Now, her rash is almost gone.  But, three nights ago she started waking up a couple times a night SCREAMING at the top of her little lungs.  It is not the kind of cry that I can let her "cry it out".  She screams so loud that she starts to hyperventilate.

I go into her room and try to soothe her.   Laying her back down, giving her a pacifier, stroking her head and telling her to go back to sleep is not cutting it.  I end up changing her diaper (which is soaked and has no room for another drop) and then rocking her until she calms down and falls asleep.

Everything that I have read says that this is normal for this age.  It could be night terrors or separation anxiety.  I lean towards the latter.  Considering that she is still clinging onto me with a firm grasp even when I put her back down to sleep.

I know everyone says, "whatever you do, DO NOT pick them up".  I have a hard time not picking her up when she is screaming.  I know the difference in her cries and there is something clearly wrong for her to scream.  I am open to any other feedback or ideas that anyone might have for a screaming 13 month old!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey There Sleepless!

    Funny, I got the same kind of advice as you. Only I NEVER listened to it! We even had a family bed for a while. I find kids sleeping alone very middle class.....who ever SAID that an infant should sleep alone? Ask that of any child in a third world country! Or any child from a family that siblings sleep together.

    Regardless, I slept with Sara until she was well past 6 years old. She is a well adjusted child now at 15. We still like to snuggle.

    I believe that "meeting your child's needs" tops the list of priorities. A screaming child NEEDS it's mother. For WHATEVER reason, she needs you. To NOT be there would harm her deep inside. I truly believe that with all my heart.

    So, do as you WANT to do, and don't listen to others. I let Sara cry until she hyperventilated, and I NEVER did it again!

    Hope my advise helped.

