Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Phone

Well, I finally have a new phone, again!!   My old phone is an iPhone.  I have had it for 2 years and for 2 years I have barely been able to make a phone call.  I have more rollover minutes than the law should allow.  But, what good are rollover minutes when your phone call does not go through or gets hung up on??

A few months ago My husband bought me a new iPhone.  I was pretty excited to try it out.  I loved my old phone except for calling people (isn't that the whole purpose of having a phone).  Well, when I tried it out I had to wait for ever to send a text (just like the old phone).  I got disconnected and could not make the calls (just like the old one).  And don't get me started on the whole antenna thing (be careful how you hold your phone). Needless to say, I did not like it and sent it back. 

So now we are trying out the Motorola Droid.  So far, I can text.  I can make a phone call.  I do not get disconnected.  And I do not have to be careful how I hold it when I want to make a call.  Let's see how happy I am as time flies.  I wonder if anyone else has the Droid and how they like it.

1 comment:

  1. We're going to be going thru the process of getting new cell phones next week. We're also switching from AT&T to Sprint. We've been with AT&T for quite awhile but I've never been that happy with them. Hopefully Sprint lives up to my expectations. :p

    I'm your newest follower, oh and I'm a MI girl also. :)
