Thursday, April 15, 2010

Idiot drivers

Why is it that it only takes one little thing to set your day off and not in a good way?  My morning started out good.  Sunshine and 80 degrees with a slight breeze, awesome. 

My daughter ate lunch without a fight today.  That is always a good thing.  Then we headed out to Sam's, Babies R' Us and to get the car wash.  All went well until the drive home.

Why is it that the person that pulls right out in front of you and slams on their brakes (because you are now to close to them) and then flips you off when you go around them?  That has always confused me.  I have often thought that maybe I am the only person that this ever happens to.  I don't know why it angers me so, but IT does.  It especially bugs me when I have my child in the back seat. 

So, now I am home and my blood pressure has returned to normal (it took a little chocolate to help stabilize it).  I guess it is true what they always say.  It is not the big things in life that are the most troubling, it is the little things!

1 comment:

  1. I too have encountered these clueless drivers. They have no idea that they just pulled out in front of someone, nor do they care.
