Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Cleaning

It is that time once again.  My husband and I were in the basement this weekend looking at all of the stuff that we have accumulated.  How do two people accumulate so much crap?  Then you throw a child into the mix and you may as well multiply by two.

I am afraid that I have passed my love for clothing onto my daughter.  I have two totes and about three bags of clothes just for her.  Luckily, she is only one and her clothes are little.  I am thinking of a mom to mom sale, but I would like to attend one first to see how they operate.

But, I digress.  Back to the big picture.  What to do with all of our extra stuff.  I guess we can have a garage sale or two or three or four this summer! Then donate some stuff. 

I think that the hardest thing for me is separation anxiety.  I kept this because it was sentimental.  I kept that because someone gave it to me.  Oh, and I can't get rid of that because I bought that when I was 16.  I wish that I was like so many other people and did not grow attached to my stuff.  Somehow, it seems easier to sell it in a garage sale because then I know it is going to a happy home!! 

All I know is that we need more room and some stuff needs to go.  Perhaps, I will just close my eyes and start pitching.  This could be theraputic!!

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