Friday, February 5, 2010


I just watched a clip on Regis and Kelly about Strollercize I am all about trying to get this body of mine back into shape after baby. But, I am not sure about strollercizing. It looks like it could be a great work out but, here in Michigan (at least where I live) there are not a lot of parks to walk in. There are neighborhoods to walk in. I am not sure what kind of reaction I would get from my neighbors or the passerby's as I lunged myself throughout the neighborhood. I am wondering if anyone in a city outside of New York has tried this out. It looks like Central Park is the ideal place for this exercise.


  1. My news years resolution. To be a Strollercize Mom blogger. I just found your blog. My comment, if you have a stroller and you need to work out? They go hand in hand. You can do it anywhere. It does not matter what people think as they watch you put fitness into your life. They should commend you for getting out there. All my moms push everyday in Central Park and we have a lot of cameras surrounding us. We are use to it. But as I say to my moms. Fitness is not easy after being a mom, but with a stroller in hand, you can dance behind it like a dancer uses a barre in ballet class. Our handle just rolls. Happy 2011.

  2. The Consomer Product Reviews is most solution of news years . To be a Strollercize Mon bigest blogger.

    They go hand in my comment . You can do it anywhere. So We all are use to it .But as I say to my Moms.
