Last week I took my 10-month-old daughter on vacation. Her and I flew to Florida. I had no idea what to expect and was extremely nervous about flying alone with her. I spent the week prior packing. Every time I fed her or dressed her, I put that article in the suitcase so that I would not forget. I packed away a few toys early in the week so that when she was on the plane they would seem like new toys.
I decided to take a stroller on the plane. This was perhaps one of the best ideas. I was torn between using a stroller or a baby carrier (Bjorn). The stroller worked out great. I packed a diaper bag and a carryon for myself. Some things that I packed in the diaper bag were night diapers, extra diapers, bottle, formula, baby food, baby spoon, bib, wipes, gas drops, wipes for her nose, blanket, toys, books, extra pacifiers, pacifier holder, puffs as well as a change of clothes.
The flight went well. My daughter played with her toys for a little while on the first flight and fell asleep until we landed. I changed her to a night diaper in between flights. On the second flight, she played with a few other toys, ate some puffs and some of my breakfast. A little while later, I gave her a bottle. She played for a little longer than fell asleep until we landed.
Next time I travel, I would only take the diaper bag. It really became difficult navigating a stroller diaper bag and carry on. It would not have been too bad if it weren’t for the fact that I arrived at one end of the terminal and departed out of the complete opposite end and had 50 minutes to get to the next flight. That was a little nerve wracking.
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